We Believe in the Hands of Our Students
We believe they are crafted with purpose and power.
We believe in their ability to create, communicate, celebrate, and contribute to their community.
We believe they are capable of more.
Beauty of Different
Because we believe in the beauty found in differences, Journey School uses a variety of different therapies including speech therapy, occupational therapy, behavior therapy, art therapy, fitness, and music therapy.
Our students focus on life and behavior skills needed to thrive in their homes and everyday activities. We also have an academic focus on math, reading, science, and language arts.
We want students to have the freedom to focus on their individual talents and gifts while learning all they need to thrive as empowered individuals.
We want to provide a family atmosphere to help empower parents and families who believe that more is possible! We want to be on this Journey with you.
My son has been at Journey for a short time and has already reaped benefits. He has started to attend to an iPad (praying he will use it as his voice) and will seek attention from others to have them play with him or help him. He has attended both ABA therapy (the recommended treatment for children on the spectrum) and public school since he was three and he hasn’t made near this amount of progress!!! I think the biggest factor is the teachers truly care!! This is a loving environment where no one is shamed, but behaviors are corrected. We love love love Journey and all the staff!! Truly a blessing for our family!!
Journey School teachers and therapists approach education with flexibility and grace.
Journey School teachers and therapists approach education with flexibility and grace.